Hey Clutch Fam!
If you haven't heard new horizons are being set. I've partnered with Coach Ortiz

to bring out his vision and dream in his Fourth published book. This is my first time working on a piece of literature and I am very excited. The theme of the book is about coaching and the relationship between mentor and athlete.
Personally I felt inadequate to create the artwork but like a Great Coach, Chris is very supportive and provides great feedback. His patience and faith in people are true key cornerstones to being effective at what he does.
The Project is scheduled to be released for 2021 and we are halfway done. Below are some images of what will be featured as well as a link to his other published books. Follow him on Instagram and check out his website as well.
Until our next blog remember these words:
"Do what you love or hate what you do either way just do something- Clutch "